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Star Trek

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The History
The Captains
The Enemies

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The Series
The Movies
The Comics

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Video Games

The History

Created by: Gene Roddenberry

Owned by: Viacom(owner of Paramount Pictures) owns the film licenses. CBS Television Studios has the rights to produce the television series.

Star Trek is an American space-based science fiction/fantasy franchise based on the television series which aired for the first time in 1966 on NBC television network.

The stories are of humans and aliens who serve in Starfleet (a humanitarian and peacekeeping spaceship fleet) of the United Federation of Planets. Every story is similar enough to the ancient, as well as new epochs, in which the characters have to overcome difficult dilemmas. Dilemmas as simple as making a date to as complex as getting knocked unconscious by an energy beam from an alien probe, forcing you to experience 40 years of life as a humanoid scientist under a different name with a loving wife and children, only to wake up from this newfound life in the same position where you entered it, to find that in reality only 25 minutes has past ("The Inner Light", Star Trek: The Next Generation). Whew. Can you imagine the emotional impact this could cause?

The franchise spans games, figurines, toys, novels, and comics, has had a themed attraction in Las Vegas, and at least two museum exhibits. There is an annual Star Trek convention, usually jam-packed with fans, some from all over the world. Fans of the franchise are called Trekkies or Trekkers.

Star Trek is known for its tolerance of different races, cultures, physical and mental capabilities. Basically, there's a place to belong for everyone among the stars. The series has its own language (developed in 1984 by the linguist Marc Okrand), Klingon, based on alien characters originally created for the original 1966 television series.

The Captains


Christopher Pike "Captain Pike"

Portrayed by: Jeffrey Hunter
The Original Series (pilot episode)
Commander of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)

James T. Kirk

Portrayed by: William Shatner
The Original Series
Commander of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)

Jean-Luc Picard

Portrayed by: Sir Patrick Stewart
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Commander of the USS Enterprise-D/USS Enterprise-E

Benjamin Sisko

Portrayed by: Avery Brooks
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Commander of Deep Space 9 space station

Kathryn Janeway

Portrayed by: Kate Mulgrew
Star Trek: Voyager
Commander of the U.S.S. Voyager

Jonathan Archer

Portrayed by: Scott Bakula
Star Trek: Enterprise
Commander of the Enterprise NX-01

James T. Kirk (alternate universe version of) Portrayed by: Chris Pine

Star Trek (films)
Commander of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)

Christopher Pike "Captain Pike"

Portrayed by: Anson Mount
Star Trek: Discovery & Strange New Worlds
Commander of the U.S.S. Discovery/USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)

William Riker

Portrayed by: Jonathan Frakes
Star Trek: Next Generation and Picard
Commander of the USS Enterprise-D, USS Titan, and USS Zheng He


Portrayed by: Doug Jones
Star Trek: Discovery
Commander of the USS Discovery

Michael Burnham

Portrayed by: Sonequa Martin-Green
Star Trek: Discovery
Commander of the USS Discovery

Gabriel Lorca

Portrayed by: Jason Isaacs
Star Trek: Discovery
Commander of the ISS Buran and USS Discovery

Dal R'El

Voiced by: Brett Gray
Star Trek: Prodigy
Commander of the USS Protostar

Carol Freeman

Voiced by: Dawnn Lewis
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Commander of the USS Cerritos

The Enemies

Below is a small list of some memorable enemies which at least had posed a threat to the life of other species and to the people of Starfleet. Some here may actually be civil at times but nonetheless remained on the enemy list due to their cunning, bravery, or ruthlessness. There is a brief description of each and not too much info to avoid any spoilers.



Appearance: "Skin of Evil" on the series Star Trek: The Next Generation

An evil viscous goo abandoned on the barren planet Vagra II.

The Borg Collective

Appearance: various throughout the series

A hive group of augmented humanoids connected to a single network aboard their ship. Able to physically force others into assimilating to their network.

Commander Kruge

Appearance: in the movie Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Male Klingon officer of the 23rd century Klingon Empire.

Dr. Tolian Soran

Appearance: in the movie Star Trek Generations

A deranged scientist who tries to reach an energy ribbon known as the Nexus, a doorway to a realm in which all desires are fulfilled.

The Founders

Appearance: various throughout the series of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Beings that exist first as a gelatinous liquid. They are the ruling group of the Gamma Quadrant's Dominion (state and military superpower).

General Chang

Appearance: in the movie Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

Klingon officer who planned to sabotage peace talks between the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets.

The Gorn

Appearance: "Arena"on Star Trek The Original Series, "The Time Trap" on Star Trek: The Animated Series, and "In a Mirror Darkly, Part 2" on Star Trek: Enterprise

A very strong alien humanoid reptilian species.

Gul Dukat

Appearance: various throughout the series of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Cardassian military officer

The Jem'Hadar

Appearance: various throughout the series of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and the episode "Flesh and Blood" on Star Trek: Voyager

A genetically engineered humanoid race that served as the military arm of the Dominion.

Khan Noonien Singh

Appearance: "Space Seed" on Star Trek: The Original Series, in the movie Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, and in the rebooted Star Trek movie Star Trek Into Darkness

A genetically engineered superhuman that had once controlled approximately a quarter of the Earth during the Eugenics Wars of the 1990s.

The Klingons

Appearance: various throughout the series

A strong, prideful, honor-driven humanoid alien race. Eventually became a close ally to Starfleet.


Appearance: "Datalore", "Brothers", and "Descent" on Star Trek: The Next Generation

Evil android brother of androids Data and B-4.


Appearance: in the movie Star Trek (2009)

Romulan captain of the vessel Narada. Through an act of vengeance, Nero creates an alternate reality and brings the distruction of countless lives as well


Appearance: "Plato's Stepchildren" on Star Trek: The Original Series

Leader of the Platonians who used telekinetic powers to manipulate others for his own amusement and force his will on others.

Professor James Moriarty

Appearance: "Elementary, Dear Data" and "Ship in a Bottle" on Star Trek: The Next Generation

A sentient being, first programmed for the ship's holodeck, based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock character.


Appearance: various throughout the series of Star Trek: Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and Star Trek: Voyager

An extra-dimensional being who possesses immeasurable power capable of violating or altering time, space, the laws of physics, and reality itself.

The Romulans

Appearance: various throughout the series

A humanoid alien race sharing a common ancestry to Vulcans. More times than not they're the antagonist in the series.


Appearance: in the movie Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

The Vulcan brother of Spock hell bent on reaching the mythical planet Sha Ka Ree in search for God.


An honorable mention goes to the Tribbles, a cute, cooing, fuzzy species with insane breeding habits.

A special thanks to Wikipedia, Wiki ("Fandom"), and its contributers for providing this site of a bunch of its images! 😉

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